Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Being re-baptized at the mouth of the Nile River, quite possibly the best experience of my entire life. After an amazing conversation with one of my new friends here, in which he described baptism as the drowning of the old you and the birth of a person dedicated to Christ, I knew that I had to be re-baptized, and with that in mind, we took a half hour hike down to this amazing spot on Lake Victoria, and there I drowned everything that I ever hated about who I used to be, and became an entirely new creation, along with my twin sister Lucy (as seen in the second picture, which was taken right after she attacked me, after the actual baptism of course). Walking to the river, singing "mambo sawa sawa" with my new brothers and sisters, I felt so complete, and afterwards, walking back with a group of twenty who were all joyfully praising the Lord, I had never before felt so entirely alive. Between my perfect God and this breathtaking land, I am truly coming back to life.


  1. I have been sitting here trying to figure out what words I could possibly form into sentences to describe how reading this makes me feel...and I just can't. I will never be able to explain to you how happy it makes me that you are experiencing the Lord like this. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
    I freakin love you.

  2. That's so amazing baby, I'm so happy for you. Abby said it best, I don't have words to tell you how this made me feel reading it. I'm so proud of you and happy that you are becoming a new and even more amazing person, I love you so so much
