I've been home almost a month now, and I haven't really known whether or not I should continue this blog. I created it for the sole purpose of keeping everyone back home informed about my travels, but now that I'm home, deleting it almost feels like I'm saying I'll never go back, which is certainly not true.
Everything about being back in America is weird to me, and since getting back, I've been thinking so much about the different cultures and languages throughout the world. As content as I would be to study those two things for the rest of my life, I went to a college, erm, Christian group meeting would be the best word I can think of for it, but anyway, I was there tonight, and the speaker was talking about the culture of Christ, and how that is the only culture to which we are obliged, and, of course, for us it is no obligation, but a blessing and a desire. It only affirmed the thoughts which have been so strong in my mind since getting back to the States, which are that as interested in culture and languages as I am, those two things originated at the tower of Babel, as a direct result of a great sin. All the different languages came as a punishment because mankind was gathering together to work against God, and then, because of the communities formed by those who shared a language after this, cultures began to form.
I'm not really sure where all of this is leading, they're really just half-formulated thoughts that I felt the need to write down, and it's probably too late for me to make any real conclusions, but it's certainly interesting to think about, as fascinating and amazing as all the different cultures are, to make sure that we as Christians are only living in the culture of Jesus.